Align AI-SPM: Illuminate the Shadows of AI Adoption

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI tools are becoming indispensable for business operations. However, with great power comes great responsibility - and risk. Introducing AI-SPM, your beacon in the fog of AI vendor selection and management.

What is Align AI-SPM?

AI-SPM (AI Security and Performance Management) is a cutting-edge platform designed to shed light on the hidden risks of AI tool adoption. By leveraging advanced analytics and comprehensive data gathering, AI-SPM provides unparalleled insights into the risk profile of both sanctioned and shadow AI tools in your organization.

Key Features of Align AI-SPM

Shadow AI Discovery

Automatically uncover all AI tools in use across your network, including unauthorized or overlooked ones. Gain full visibility into AI services on-premise, cloud-based, or within third-party platforms. Maintain control over your AI landscape and mitigate risks effectively.

Comprehensive Risk & Compliance Assessment

Our proprietary algorithm evaluates privacy policies, terms of service, and public data to generate holistic risk scores, ensuring AI vendor compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and industry-specific standards.

Seamless Integration & Continuous Monitoring

Easily integrates into your existing security stack, providing real-time updates on vendor policies and risk profiles, and working alongside tools like CASB for comprehensive shadow IT management.

Why Choose Align AI-SPM?

Specialized for AI

Unlike general-purpose tools, AI-SPM is built from the ground up to address the unique challenges of AI vendor risk.

Empower Decision Making

Arm your team with the intelligence they need to make informed decisions about AI adoption and usage.

Depth of Insight

Go beyond surface-level assessments with our detailed analysis of each AI tool's risk factors.

Proactive Risk Management

Identify and mitigate risks before they become liabilities.

How It Works

Discover & Analyze

AI-SPM scans your network to identify AI tools and gather vendor data, using advanced algorithms to assess privacy, compliance, and security risks.


Receive detailed risk reports and scores for each identified AI tool, giving you clear insights into potential risks and vulnerabilities across your AI ecosystem.


Stay informed with continuous, real-time updates on any changes in vendor risk profiles, ensuring proactive management and quick response to evolving threats.

Use Cases

IT Security

Enhance your shadow IT management strategy with AI-specific insights.


Ensure your AI tool usage aligns with regulatory requirements.


Make informed decisions when selecting new AI vendors.

Risk Management

Proactively identify and mitigate AI-related risks.



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